Hosier Lane in Melbourne, Australia
October 21, 2024

Melbourne street art and graffiti can be found through the Australian city, but Hosier Lane hosts the most intense display. Although some people claim that street artists can legally paint on buildings there, my research suggests otherwise. Unlike most street art in Montreal and the murals of La Jolla, most, if not all, of the street art on Hosier Lane appears overnight, painted furtively. Regardless of its legality, the short alley attracts tourists and locals alike.
Because street art, by its nature and location, can easily be replaced with something painted on top of it, the following gallery reflects a single day in Melbourne, October 21, 2024.
Due to their size, intricacy, and location, the following two images most likely are legal, perhaps even commissioned, artwork.

The images below have the hallmarks of more traditionally painted graffiti.

Street Art Elsewhere in Melbourne
Even though Hosier Street displays the greatest number of images, you can find street art throughout Melbourne. I loved discovering it around corners, by looking up, or simply encountering them in surprising places.
The Verdict
No one can legitimately equate the street art in Melbourne with the impressive art found in the National Gallery of Victoria, but one also should not dismiss the talent of some of these street artists. especially since they must paint furtively, in the dark. Images can be witty or satiric or profane. As with the graffiti in Montréal, tagging can be annoying since it defaces better work, but that also comes with the genre.
Debbie Lee Wesselmann